Friday, April 24, 2009

I am so stressed out!

I just can't hardly function. Jimmy's employer is making me insane. They laid them all off on the 17th of March. Then they called him in every day and told them they were back to work on the 23rd. Then they laid them all off again on April 6th. They haven't paid our insurance and the cancellation was backdated to October 10, 2008. We have been on the local news regarding the situation. I have contacted the Insurance Regulators of PA, the Attorney General, and the Dauphin Co. District Attorney. The DA is doing an investigation. They are the only ones giving me any kind of hope at all. However, I get home from taking the girls to the park to play to find a message on my answering machine from Jimmy's supervisor stating that he is to report to work on Monday morning because they are "starting back up" and if he has any questions he is to give him a call before 3:00 today. Well guess what? Jimmy left with his Dad and his brother this morning for Potter County and won't be home until Wednesday. WEDNESDAY!!!!! And I have no way to contact him before 3:00 today so that he can call in there and talk to those stupid people. I am so sick to death of all of this drama that I just want to sit in the corner and cry. GGGRRRRRR!!!! Very frustrated