Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Birthday Invitation

I wanted to share the invitation that I made for Nevaeh's 5th birthday. I gave her some stamp and color choices and let her pick out what she wanted. I then used my Close To My Heart Originals Card Confidence Program to pick a layout for the card and put it all together. I used several different color variations for the cupcake and the sprinkles, but the design was all the same. I then stamped the inside and put all of the party information in there. Nevaeh wanted to help so she put her name inside each of the cards. I was very proud of her dedication. She sat at the table for and waited patiently for me to get them done so she could help. I can't believe my little girl is 5 already!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Love you, Grandma

It has been a rough week. Last Thursday morning I received the dreaded call that I had been expecting for some time now. My dear Grandma Bucy passed away that morning. She would have been 80 years old on the 21st of March. She had been growing weaker and more tired everyday for about the past 6 weeks. I am so saddened that I wasn't able to get out to West Virginia to see her just one more time, however, with my broken leg and some weather issues when I was planning to go, it just wasn't possible. I am so thankful that I went as often as I could and she was able to meet and spend time with not only me, but both of my baby girls. The first time that she met Sage, in the above pictures, she called my Aunt Luanne after we left and told her that Sage was such a nice baby. She knew that I loved her without a doubt and that is a comfort to me. I also know that she is now in heaven with Honey. It has been such a long time that she pushed on without him. I can only imagine the joy and happiness that they found when they were able to be together again. And I am so excited to know that they are up there doting over Holden together. That makes me smile. I will miss her terribly, but I know that she is happy and whole again. I love you Grandma!